I want to give browsers of this merry web the ability to run certain simple,
useful unix commands from the comfort of their, um, browsers. Ahh, experience
the power of the shell! (Now that I've added bc to the list of commands,
it's very easy to write a program that will loop forever and eat away my
precious system resources; to prevent this from happening, commands now
have a strict five second time limit and 10MB memory limit. If your command
returns with no output after around five seconds, that might be what did it.)
here to toggle the command
Available commands:
fortune — returns a fortune
cal — an ascii calendar for the current year
dict — several dictionaries
dig — DNS look-up utility (by IP)
whois — DNS look-up utility (by DNS)
wtf — netspeak abbreviation dictionary
latin — latin morphology analyzer
bc — calculator (s, c, a, l, and e are the sine, cosine, arctan, ln, and exponential functions, respectively)
hotcold — Poker hand comparator. Click
here to toggle the full description.
<card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> [<card5> [<card 6> ... ]]
card1, card2 = first draw
card3, card4 = second draw
card5, card6, ... = shared cards
card = <face><suit>
<face> = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T, J, Q, K, A
<suit> = h, d, s, c
e.g., ace of diamonds is Ad (NO SPACE).
This is case dependent.
figlet — display large ascii art messages (with fonts!)